Category: Elon Musk

  • Carbon Sequestration Workflows

    Carbon Sequestration Workflows

    Carbon Sequestration Process (CSP) © 2018 Lyno Sullivan Carbon sequestration is important. This document proposes a Carbon Sequestration Process (CSP) that alters traditional carbon flow systems. This drawing depicts an alternative carbon routing solution. CSP is a safe way to extract carbon from sewage. It can be done in such a way that pathogen free…

  • @ElonMusk

    !elonmusk @elonmusk I would like to sell you #carbonsequestration for $1 per pound. Are you willing to buy any. Please retweet because needs the traffic. #elonmusk This post @elonmusk is intended to draw Elon Musk’s attention to this website as a roadmap to #carbonsequestration through utilization of a #carbongasificationsolution #CGS allowing to sell…