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Distributed Social Networks in Politics

DSN Politics FAQ

Q: What is a Distributed Social Network, known as a DSN?

A: A DSN is a network where every participant owns the data on their own social media host server, which is operating in the cloud.

Central social media servers host internet end-points like Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, Instagram, TikTok and many other single URL hosted central social media websites.

Numerous central server technology challenges are neatly avoided when every human owns their own distributed social media cloud server. This host becomes an owner’s end-point of the Internet.

Distributed social media servers become end-points on the internet like these.

Political Endpoint Subdomains

Example Political Endpoints

Imagine beautiful endpoint sub-domain names like the ones above. It hangs out there on the internet.

Q: What’s wrong with centralized social media solutions versus what’s right with distributed social media solutions?

  • A1: There is a central single point of network failure meaning that when the central server goes down unexpectedly the entire centralized social media network goes down.
  • A2: centralized networks are subject to the control of whomever owns the data, computing resources, storage resources, communications systems, and the equipment and software used to spy on humans and seek to control their behavior.
  • A3: Facebook’s Zuckerberg, a man who has been hauled into Congress concerning privacy and other important topics, behaving as a powerful Technology Czar cutoff President Trump’s Facebook communication channel. It is the day recorded in history that two Titans of power and control, humorously dubbed “Zucky and Trump” did battle over Trump’s information channel to Trump’s political base.
  • A4: As everybody can imagine, data may turn out to be the new weapon of war. Spying is all the rage these days. The story goes like this. Simply 1) gather a community and 2) house the community members on a data server you own or have access to and 3) legally or illegally spy on them. Steal their private data, inspect it, dissect it, run it through the blender, throw it into artificial intelligence (AI), reconstitute it, and feed it to machine learning (ML) automata, which speak Lambda and Python. The end result can be a deeply known personality profile of a user’s private data.
  • A5: Of course the data at the central servers is owned in that manner deemed best in for the central server crowd. Think about what this means for the inevitable future of distributed social networks.
  • A6: Simple questions sometimes have complex answers that reduce into simple answers, like “What’s wrong with centralized social media solutions versus what’s right with distributed social media solutions?”. The winner is clearly that Distributed Social Network (DSN) is the right solution.
  • A7: If you are not paying for the product, then you are the product.

Q: What does it take to shutdown a centralized social media server.
A: One centralized social media mogul can shut down an an entire centralized social network, upon a whim and at the press of a button. Any member of a centralized social media server can be shut down, silenced, and censored upon the whim of an agent of the centralized mogul. The centralized social media empire can behave like a nest of wasps doing the work of a media mogul behaving like the Queen Wasp.

Q: What does it take to shutdown a distributed social media DSN server?
A: The owner of the DSN’s data can shut their own DSN down. It takes a technically proficient bad actor human with machine automata tools to shut down a DSN that they do not own. Strong passwords comprise one part of the Security Plan builtin automatically by the host site builder.

Q: What’s the difference then?
A: 2.7 billion Facebook users could be shut down upon one centralized command, whereas trying to shutdown 2.7 billion individually owned DSN hosts that are individually operated would be a daunting task.

Q: What if Trump had used a CoCreateX distributed social network data ownership product named a DSN which costs twelve dollars or more per month ($12/mo).

  • A1: For sake of discussion let’s assume there are one million Trump fans, admirers, partisans, and supporters who buy and have built their private DSN for $12 per month or $24 per month or more depending Diamond Core applications, education, and support costs.
  • The following example steps demonstrate a step based workflow that delivers messages to a political base.
    • Trump publishes a Topic Post at his DSN
    • Trump’s channel controller notifies everyone of a new post in Trump’s Topic Subscription Channel
    • Interested DSN owners subscribe to Trump’s subscription
  • A2: It is possible that some gang of independent agents along with conspirators like big warring multi-national corporations, governments, agencies, decide to gang up with one another other Free Speech denying organization to attack and seek to get inside DSN servers to copy secrets, design specifications, test results, and so forth.
  • A3: Getting the data stealing agents to individually seek to attack DSN will raise “bad actor” warning flags which are communicated. Bad actors will be quickly detected and added to the blacklists. Their IP address will be shared among DSN “call tree” alert notification system. After being passed around by 1,000,000 (one million) active DSN hosts, that are mostly just hanging out waiting for data work, handling bad actors sounds like a challenge game of “Kick Bad Actors Out”.
  • All this DSN capability is or will soon be added to the Carbonic Diamond Core by means of the CoCreateX DSN Diamond Core.

DSN Diamond Core

The DSN ultimate Diamond Core is baked into the DSN builder process that allows a human to build a DSN website in under one minute and at the push of a button. Upload some images and pick a few colors. View the home page that will be built for you by the builder process. Pick the Plan Option and proceed. Click the “Submit” button. Click Nothing and wait for the clickable URL to your new domain. Wait for the secret key email at your email account. Sign-in to your new OwnSocial DSN. You are a WordPress administrator. You have a blog. Start there. As an advisory alert: If you don’t pay for your computing resource and data, and if the product is “free”, then you ARE the product.

The only absolute requirement is that you provide an email address at a verifiable server that stays up for an extended period of time for a monthly DSN mail server status test and payable bill submission . This is serious business because your account can be switched to read-only mode until your mail server is back on-line. Adding you to the blacklist is a possibility. People must subscribe to your channel for your Free Speech message to be heard.

Portable Diamond Core Fits On a Deck of Cards Sized Stylish Device Suitable for Pocket, Purse, or Pack.

(Estimated Diamond Core Inclusion Q2 2021)

That being said and speaking to the Elegance and Strength of the Diamond Core and speaking of the Social Value of one of your DSN copies: imagine being the first person at a party to show around your Raspberry Pi pocket or pack carried RPi DSN. You can show your new “must have” device to your admiring friends by attaching an HDMI cable and a USB keyboard and mouse devices. If your admiring friends want a site of their own simply go to the appropriate builder and create a valid DSN. Show them how to get into the DSN in the role of the startup administrator, simply by reading their email and doing some clearly explained copy-pastes if ID values and passwords. It is worth having your own portable DSN on a computer the side of a deck of cards.

Meanwhile, for every closed sale of a DSN from your DSN you are eligible to receive a $1 sales commission per month on every sale initiated from your blog page or store page that lands in the CoCreateX INC website for final payment, this creates a transaction with lots of information useful to the DSNs involved, centered around closing transactions and keeping the money straightened out and part of an auditable flow.

Your Diamond Core DSN Computes Data In the Cloud

Here’s something to think about. Your always on DSN setup in the cloud comprises some API accessible cloud data storage resources and computational elements available to users directly by a UI / UX / VRML, and computational elements. Foreground Data is available to humans and robots by means of an Application Programming Interface, also known as an API. Unseen messages queue up according to DSN owner message switching filters.

(Estimated Diamond Core Inclusion Q3 2021)

Background Data is available to humans and robots by means of an Application Programming Interface, also known as an API.

Batch Data is available to humans and robots by means of an Application Programming Interface, also known as an API.

Each Database running in a serverless mode uses no computational costs while waiting for work to do. When AWS receives the right notification that a server is needed, AWS starts the clock running and starts the service. Input messages arrive and are typically placed into a queue awaiting dispatching gated and other step functions pertinemt to a workflow.

Databases store all kinds of data. Each database has its own Create Read Update Delete (CRUD) computational resources to match up to data resources that need processing resources. Various queries are available in the API.

Distributed Social Network (DSN) Example Databases


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The User Database Table contains one record type keyed by email-address. A status code tracks the progress. The email address is verified by sending the a Builder created host initial login credentials.


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The Role Table defines all human and automata roles a given user can attain. Examples are subscriber, contributor, editor, administrator, bookkeeper, accountant, and so forth.


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The following URL has domain name parts.
top level domain = “.io’ knows as “In and Out”
parent domain = “.ownsocial”
grandparent = “.politics”
great-grandparent = “.trump”

The above URL parts combine to form the URL


(Estimated Diamond Core Inclusion Q2 2021)

In a given dot separated domain names a DSN builders exist in the parents and children relationships with transitive closure handling constraints. Example domain strings are as follows.

Here lives the builder for the parent domain, for example:
At this builder level lives the builder for

URL string domains like
REP for “Republican”
DEM for “Democrat”
ENV for “Environment”
PAC for “Political Action Committee”
LAB for “Labor Unions”
TRU for “President Trump”

is a totally buildable social network URL address

A person or a community may subscribe anywhere in the name tree where a given DSN can exist. It may be open or closed to subscriptions to as many public subscriptions as they choose. Hence, the final host traversal tree operates recursively by the builder parts parsing right to left and creating up to the length of the URL name is 253 ASCII characters.

The full domain name may not exceed a total length of 253 ASCII characters in its textual representation. Thus, when using a single character per label, the limit is 127 levels: 127 characters plus 126 dots have a total length of 253. In practice, some domain registries may have shorter limits. ( )

And so, building sites for people involves going recursively, generating right to left, those URL named parent domain and child domain relationships and creating default publications and subscription along the way.
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(Estimated Diamond Core Inclusion Q2 2021)

Build Your Distributed Social Network (DSN) at: