
Ticket by ©2020 Lyno Carbonic What is the Ticket Product All About? A Customer Buys a $24 USD Ticket Event: #Carbonic-Live-Production Location: TBD Date: Oct-Dec 2020 Q4 See the associated “Ticket Post” entry Why does a Ticket Cost $24   Please come join a 2020 Carbonic Live Event. A Carbonic Live Ticket equates time with…

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by ©2020 Lyno Carbonic

What is the Ticket Product All About?

A Customer Buys a $24 USD Ticket

Event: #Carbonic-Live-Production

Location: TBD

Date: Oct-Dec 2020 Q4

See the associated “Ticket Post” entry

Why does a Ticket Cost $24


Please come join a 2020 Carbonic Live Event.

A Carbonic Live Ticket equates time with a theoretical possibility that an hour may be monetized  for education expenses. Consultant at hourly rate of $24 for one hours work. The prerequisite education requirement is good grades in a diverse STEAM learning environment. trained college graduate domiciled in the United States. Early purchase of a ticket is prudent because some backend distributions are done in ticket number order.

Your ticket information requires that you enter your verified email address. Upon final receipt of your Ticket payment, you become a Customer in the Carbonic Live database.

The $24 ticket price is divided fairly among the producers, talent, and the behind the scenes workforce. The “currency” of the resulting economy is about the hours worked.

Please come join a 2020 Carbonic Live Event where Lyno will present materials germane to owning a Distributed Social Network (DSN). Tickets cost $24 U.S. Dollars (USD) each.


A Carbonic Live Ticket equates time with an hourly rate. Consultant rates are, $24 = one hours work, from a STEAM trained college graduate domiciled in the United States. Early purchase is prudent because some backend distributions are done in ticket number order.

Your ticket information requires that you enter your verified email address. Upon final receipt of your Ticket payment, you become a Customer in the Carbonic Live database.

How Does a Ticket Benefit Me?

As a registered Carbonic Live member, you receive a Carbonic Live Customer Newsletter designed for Ticket buyers. If you are a registered Vendor you also receive a Carbonic Live Vendor Newsletter.

You get to participate in the launch of a new Product. “Ticket” is a new and innovative Product. Have you ever seen a product as nicely packaged and presented as  “Ticket”  Your Ticket is numbered serially by virtue of your Customer data being added into a Carbonic Live database server.

What is the Event?

It is a “Ticket” buying opportunity for you and a setup operation for the Carbonic Live support crew.

Who will Headline the Event?

The Author known as Carbonic.

When Does This Event Happen?

Begin July 1, 2020
End December 31, 2020

How Does a Ticket Benefit a Vendor?

A Ticket vendor resells key pairs identifying Customer Unique ID, known as UID. Vendor data is keyed by a Vendor UID. Distributions are typically in UID order.

Will a Ticket Survive in an Economy?

Yes, Each Ticket is uniquely known by its email address. Each Customer has a unique Ticket number within one server among a network of servers. Someday there will be lots of servers that Carbonic Live can tap into.

Line Dance Lessons Anyone?
What’s the economy of Line Dancing?

$24 per lesson hour would be a fair price for an experienced line dancer teacher. A line dancing student would gladly pay $24 USD for such a dancing lesson.


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